

The later work of Pérez Galdós is realistic, but it is in no sense regional.

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His Episodios nacionales treat of the War of Independence called by the English the "Peninsular War" against the French under Napoleon and of the immediately following years. Recorrílo todo con luceros ansiosos sin ver nada. Esta conducta les pareci sospechosa a los habitantes de Pachaca, que dedujeron que se trataba de un ladrn de coches. Hurry up, child! La plaza delimita el barrio alto del alfoz bajo. But the historical jácara turned the mind of the reader away from adventures in classic lands or in the orient, and brought his own land to his attention. Penetré de nuevo en el portal, con gran repugnancia y alarma. Muchas mujeres han optado por el sistema legal para luchar contra la violencia, el xito de organismos como los Centros de Emergencia de la Madama lo atestiguan.

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Pedro Antonio de Alarcón [G] was by nature and training a journalist. Hurry up! He's very studious. Pero la verdad es que aunque todo el globo maneja un buen nmero de palabras y le gusta traducir topnimos o mostrar sus conocimientos glosando palabras, excepto en vendedoras callejeras, no es fcil oír a la gente hablando quechua en el Valle. His works are pervaded by a genial, kindly humor; but his language is not seldom dull and insipid. They were grieved by the illness of their aunt. And through it all the peninsula was rent by confesional discord.

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