

With the aim of customizing the content for the User when browsing through the MF Platforms, cookies will be stored in the PC.

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In reference to brand, internet domain names, logos, drawings or images belonging to third parties, that may be entitled to protection by means of a patent, etc, and that could be published in the MF Platforms, its use is also forbidden. Hora pm. Thus MF is allowed to treat the following categories of personal data: o Profile data One of the most important aspects of the MF service is the recollection and treatment of the User profile data. This files are only used when the session is started, and stop being used when it finishes, not representing any danger for the PC. MF will keep these data unless explicitly indicated by the owner. To improve the service or adapt to current law, MF may modify the terms of use. Once this period expires the data related to this testimony will be removed from MF's systems. Under no circumstances does the access to these Platforms imply any kind of renounce, transfer or delegation, in part or in total, of the rights given by Spanish and International law about Intellectual Property.

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For instance, it is recommended to have an active and updated antivirus program to protect the system from attacks. Informa la MUD. Un equipo que merece lo mejor, tanto para ellos como para sus familiares, por ello diseñamos programas para su formación, seguridad y esparcimiento. Alfaque Exterior. En Redes sociales Twitter, Instagram, Facebook recibimos dudas, sugerencias, felicitaciones y comentarios por parte de los clientes y usuarios.

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  1. Ryder_Matos
    06.11.2018 : 15:43

    Usted acaba de visitar una gran idea
