

The attacks were carried out by an organization that was created inunder the leadership of Fidel Castro and Abel Santamaria, and comprised of young workers, students, artisans, peasants and landless farmers.

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It had around 1, members and affiliated itself with historic Cuban national liberation figures such campeón José Martí and Antonio Maceo. Under the leadership of Fidel Castro, the July 26th Movement galvanized Cubans, ultimately leading to the victory of the Cuban Revolution on January 1, This includes Cubans travelling for family visits, and those seeking work or study permits. Ellas son: Ana Paola Fonseca — Psicóloga y consejera en acidez conyugal, Sandra Londono — Trabajadora social y mediadora familiar, Ana Henríquez — Abogada especialista en derecho familiar y de inmigración y Nevila Mane — jefe de equipo, casa de refugio La Dauphinelle. Posted by.

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This economic war, combined with other attacks against the right of the Cuban people to chart their own course, has failed - and will fail - to defeat those historical aspirations and aim to build a society based on genuine independence and justice. This amnesty was the result of the mass mobilization of Cubans in support of the imprisoned rebels. This includes Cubans travelling for family visits, and those seeking work or study permits. Long Live the Martyrs of Moncada!

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  1. tincootwo
    18.11.2018 : 23:17

    Es sencillo y suave.
